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    Donate to the Alameda County 4-H Virtual Cake Booth. Remember to 




    The 4-H Youth Development Program is in every county in California. 4-H is an organization where young people are given opportunities to build confidence, learn responsibility, and develop skills that will last them a lifetime. It’s an organization where youth make friends and share interests, ranging from building robots to raising rabbits, designing web pages to landscape design. 4-H is where youth work together to make a positive difference in their community, and adult volunteers make a powerful difference in the lives of young people. Get involved in the 4-H community and make a lasting difference! Find more information about 4-H at the California 4-H Website.

    4-H is delivered by the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resource—The University of California is part of a community of more than 100 public universities across the nation that provides experiences where young people learn by doing. Youth complete hands-on projects in areas like health, science, agriculture and citizenship, in a positive environment where they receive guidance from adult volunteers and are encouraged to take on proactive leadership roles. Youth experience 4-H in every county and parish in the country—through in-school and after-school programs, school and community clubs and 4-H camps.

    In 4-H, youth design and participate in their own programs and activities. This unique learn-by-doing model teaches essential skills that youth will use throughout their lives. Whether youth are building rockets, raising companion dogs, or planting vegetables, 4-H gives young people the skills they need to thrive and succeed.



    Project areas



    Become a Volunteer


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    Volunteers are also needed to start a 4-H Club in your area. Contact Cheryl Fraser, 4-H Program representative, cyfraser@ucanr.edu for more information.

    *Volunteers are required to complete training and a background check.

    Upcoming Events/Highlights

    Please go to News & Calendar for more events

    4-H Leaders' Council Virtual Meeting
    Virtual Meeting
    For zoom link contact Cheryl Fraser at cyfraser@ucanr.edu
    All adults and youth are welcome to attend the monthly Leaders' Council Meetings. We meet on the last Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm.

    For information about the Alameda County 4-H Program contact

    Cheryl Fraser
    4-H Community Education Specialist
    510-670-5639 Office

    All are invited to attend 4-H events and meetings.


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